Recently, we heard and read many article discussed about the conflict between man and animals and most popular conflict is happened between Man (Homo Sapiens sapiens) and Tiger (Panthera Tigris Tigris/Jacksoni/Altaica/Corbetti/Amoyensis/Sumatrae). As we all know, conflict between these two being has happened since decades ago and until now there are no solution to this problem.
Sundarbans in Bangladesh is the massive mangrove area which also being called as a 'deadly zone" by some local villagers. This is because many tiger attack cases being reported there. This serene mangrove environment has turn into eerie place since some villagers since many of them have their own personal experience and story about their encounter with this beautiful but fierce creatures.
In Malaysian context, we also have our own story... Last decade, Malaysian have been shocked when an aborigin man body were found without legs and head. The shocking news continued when an innocent lady work as rubbertapper was attacked by tiger in her plantation. Her head skin was being teared by the tiger claws and her skulls was puntured by the massive canine teeth. Luckily she still alive until now....
We should realize we are not alone in there earth....we share it with other creatures... Understanding the true concept of sharing will allow us to realize how important the existence of different species and subspecies... Malaysia is a developing country and due to this it actively open many areas of land in fulfilling its mission for success. Sadly, we always forget that this land and soils are not only belong to human belongs to all clearing and deforestation has decrease tigers habitat and our intervention to their area already create a tension for them.
The Malayan tiger is found only in the Malay Peninsula , southern tip of Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia. Tigers are not found in East Malaysia ( Borneo ). In Malaysian, they are sparsely distributed from the northern transboundary forests contiguous to Thailand to the most southern tip of continental Asia . Besides the three main tiger landscapes: Main Range (ca. 20,000 sq km), Greater Taman Negara (ca. 15,000 sq km) and the Southern Forest Complex (ca. 10,000 sq km), tigers are still found in isolated small forests, secondary vegetation fields, and abandoned agricultural land in low human density and road density areas of the east coast. Majority (88%) of the tiger habitats are found in the four main states of Pahang, Perak, Terengganu and Kelantan. (Sources from Save The Tiger Fund Article)
Malayan tigers prey on sambar deer, barking deer, wild boar and livestock. Tigers in Taman Negara also prey on sun bear. Whether their principal prey includes gaur and tapir is unknown. Tigers occur at very low densities 1.1-1.98 tigers per 100km 2 in the rainforest as a result of low prey densities, thus in order to maintain viable tiger populations of minimum of 6 breeding females, reserves need to be larger than 1000km 2 . Biological/ecological research on the Malayan tiger is still in infancy. For example, information on dietary preference, morphological measurements, demographic parameters, social structure, communication, home range sizes, dispersal capabilities are all lacking. (Sources from Save The Tiger Fund Article)
Let us think back what we had we want this conflict continually happened and at last human being won that thropy and there are no tiger alive?..or we want these creature still living beside us and we proud it is a symbol of bravery and sovereignty of our beloved Malaysia?..The answer is in ur hand...
Think wise before u answer....

wah.. pencinta haiwan ker... HeyLaharr Animal Foundation kekekeke..
Klu kat swak bisanya mangsa buaya pun takde kaki/tgn kekekeke.. tak penah lagi dengar boya lawan tiger kan.. kat malaysia lah..
WWF supporter 4eva.
To Onggon:
Yes i am animal...opppsss i love animal...and i also have animal instinct...hehehe
To Shitsurei:
Heal The World....
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