Saturday, January 3, 2009

Salam Tahun Baru 2009...

Selamat Tahun Baru 2009...

Semenangnya tarikh 1 January 2009, berebut-rebut orang untuk update blog masing-masing...tapi bagi kite, kite memilih 3 January untuk menulis...setiap kalo berakhirnya 31 Disember setiap tahun kite mengharapkan ade sesuatu yang baru akan datang menjenguk kite ketika peralihan tahun berlaku...tapi sesuatu yang tak pernah baru dan masih kekal adalah peperangan...

Each and every day we saw in the paper as well as through our TV screen the main subject that appeared is War..why it never stop...why it always happen...the latest is the occupation of Damn Israel into Palestinian land...its already already happen since 6 decades ago it continue to be happened and we never know when it will last...war has swept away their happiness, war has turned their life upside down, war has separated them from their family, war has stole their love ones, war has stopped their golden dreams, war has grab everything from their land...

We people of Malaysia should be thankful to God since the harmony and peaceful are still with us...we can breath a good air, we can run freely without worry and we can have a very tasty meals if we hungry... we are not yet crying for food and our babies still sleeping accompany by their mama's lullaby not by a sound or mortar and bomb...But why we still don't want to realize and appreciate all these we need to experience them first then we realize how important the harmonious and peaceful of living...
Alone we cannot make make such war to be ended...but if we joint our hand together, have a collective minds of ideas, combine our voice for will ensure one day, in any continent, in any land, in any country...the hope of peace can be happened and sure will be happened.... Enough we watering this land with blood and tears. This earth is created by God to be a place of living, a place that can shelter those in need and a place that can give us a peace...

I always pray each and every year bring a new hope of life...a new and interesting to do...and of course a remaining peace for all people...
Remember...Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race...


Khairul Onggon said...

Damn Israelis! Israel Laharssss!!!

cik_ah82 said...

wah..tersentuh markonah baca kak kiah..very the menyentuh jiwa..

WorldPeace said...

thanks konah...jangan ko KUEH sudah...